Sustainable Development Internship in Zambia


Join an inspiring social impact program in Zambia during a Sustainable Development Internship

This is a wonderful opportunity to be part of a community center that offers a range of educational programs, and gain a wealth of work experience in the process. Based in a welcoming community just outside of Livingstone, the center is a hub for children’s education, skill development workshops for adults, and creative clubs that bring the community together.

As an intern, you’ll enjoy great flexibility in your tasks; you can contribute to the development of the center’s programs, assist with fundraising and communications efforts, and get involved with sustainability and planning – it depends on your skills and experience. On top of this, you’ll have the chance to be involved in running classes and workshops on the ground; a wonderful opportunity to contribute to this initiative in a practical way, and to immerse yourself in Zambian culture.

Not unimportantly, this nonprofit internship in Zambia allows you to spend some time in Livingstone, a place that will charm you with its friendliness and seduce you with its romantic setting on the Zambezi River. During weekends, you’ll be able to visit the Victoria Falls (just a few minutes’ drive away from Livingstone!), go on game drives, watch sunset on the Zambezi, or cross over into Botswana to visit the stunning Chobe National Park.


Baobuyu Learning Center is a community center that provides a large number of educational programs to the local community. It’s based in Mwandi, a rural community on the outskirts of Livingstone that deals with a lack of opportunities and resources. The center was established in 2016, and has since grown into an important hub with a varied program of free workshops and classes.

During the mornings, the center provides primary education for children aged 2 to 6. The goal is to provide free education to children who might otherwise not have access to quality schooling. During the afternoons, the center becomes the venue of a number of clubs and workshops, including;

  • Skill development workshops that encourage entrepreneurship and teach practical skills such as sewing, painting, cooking, and gardening.
  • A support group for teenage girls that allows them to share worries and stories, and encourages them through some creative fun activities.
  • A recycling club that teaches both kids and adtuls about waste management, upcycling, and eco-bricking.
  • A women’s group that aims to empower women and improve their quality of life. This involves skill development workshops, education on healthy living, and entrepreneurial support.
  • Health workshops that offers important information on a number of diseases and viruses that are prevalent in Zambia, such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria – as well as mental health issues. The workshops are a safe place for people to share their stories and for people to learn about preventing diseases, first aid, and healthy eating.
  • A chess club that offers both classes and tournaments for keen community members.


As an intern, you’ll have a job description that suits your skills and interests. You can take on a great variety of tasks, or, if you prefer, you can focus on specific areas.


Depending on your skills and experience, your tasks can include;

  • Help develop and run the community programs offered at the center
  • Assist with teaching children during the mornings
  • Assist with creating fundraising and communication strategies
  • Help develop and run online fundraising and individual giving campaigns
  • Write grant applications
  • Do fundraising research
  • Assist with donor management
  • Assist with Monitoring & Evaluation;
  • Manage social media channels
  • Write content for blogs and newsletters


  • Good written and verbal English skills
  • A good level of flexibility
  • A passion for the organisation’s mission
  • A desire to learn
  • A willingness to take on a variety of tasks
  • Minimum age of 21 years old (due to visa regulations)


You’ll stay in a shared house near Baobuyu Learning Center, together with the founder of the organization and other team members. It’s a basic but very comfortable house in a nice area of Livingstone and only a 20-minute stroll into the center of town. The house has three bedrooms, plenty of living space, and a large garden. There are three dogs at the property. You’ll share a room and bathroom with one other person.

Safety & Support

Safety & Support

Zambia is a relatively safe country, but there is petty crime, so it’s always good to be vigilant. Some safety tips are to avoid traveling alone, take a taxi/Uber at night, know safe/unsafe areas, avoid carrying valuables around, stay alert, and inquire about swim area safety. Prioritize protection from heatstroke and dehydration during your stay by drinking plenty of water. It is also important to respect the advice given to you by the accommodation host and internship supervisor.
Make sure to visit your doctor and dentist for a check-up before yor internship and to get all the recommended vaccines, malaria profylaxis, and/or medications necessary to stay healthy.



Free Wifi is available at the accommodation for staying in touch with loved ones through WhatsApp, Facetime, etc., but it may be slow. Purchase a Zambian SIM card for reliable phone use or opt for international roaming.



Food is not included and you can prepare your own meals in the kitchen. Zambia is not known for its cuisine but there are few things you definitely need to try.

Nshima: a maize porridge which is a staple food all across Africa.
Zambezi bream: fish from the Zambezi river
Ifisashi: vegetarian stew of peanuts, tomatoes, spinach and cabbage. Usually served with nshima
Mosi: the local beer

Location details

Location details

You will be based in Livingstone, a town that’s famous for the Victoria Falls, but there is plenty more to see and do in your spare time. Take a stroll at one of the local markets and enjoy the friendliness of the Zambian population. Or if you are more adventurous, think about rafting the mighty Zambezi river or a bungee jump off the Victoria Falls Bridge. And of course, there are plenty of opportunities in the area to go on a safari, either in the country or across the border in Botswana or Zimbabwe. Never a dull moment in Livingstone!


Fee Breakdown

Start and end dates for the internship with this organization are flexible and will be discussed during the application process.

What you’ll pay (2024 rates)

8 WEEKS USD 1,706

12 WEEKS USD 2,219

16 WEEKS USD 2,732

20 WEEKS USD 3,245

26 WEEKS USD 4,015

Remote internship: USD 525


  • Careful matchmaking. It takes time to find the right internship for each person, and we take this process very seriously.
  • Initial interview with one of our team to gauge your skills, interests, and desired learning outcomes.
  • An academic internship eligible for university credit. Check with your university to confirm if this internship qualifies for credit or alternatively we can assist you with purchasing transfer credits.
  • Accommodation
  • Airport transfers upon arrival and departure
  • Daily transport to the project
  • Assistance with your visa arrangement and other preparations
  • An orientation program with your supervisor
  • Supervision and support during your stay
  • Regular check-ins during your internship with your supervisor
  • Troubleshooting if needed
  • A reference letter at the end of your internship


  • Flights to Livingstone
  • Visa, medical and travel insurance costs for the duration of your placement – must include cover for repatriation
  • Meals, drinks, snacks, and items of personal nature (f.e. curios, gifts, clothing).
  • Costs for additional excursions or activities


Some of our most commonly asked questions for programs in Zambia.

What can I expect from an internship in Zambia?

During your internship in Zambia, you’ll be able to work with people from around the world, while also becoming part of a tight-knit community. Check out this testimonial blog from a past intern about her experience in Zambia to learn more about what your Zambian internship may entail!

How will internships with NGOs in Zambia boost my career development?

An internship with an NGO in Zambia will allow you to develop and strengthen various skills such as communication, teamwork, project management, problem-solving, leadership, and adaptability. You can check out this blog article in order to learn more about why doing a charity internship is good for your career!

Will I work with other interns during my internship with Roots?

It’s not a guarantee that there will be other interns on-site at the same time as you, but the organizations work with people internationally and locally to achieve their goals daily so there are plenty of colleagues around. The accommodation is a great way to meet other volunteers in the area as well!

Who can apply for an internship in Zambia?

Only people above the age of 21 can apply due to visa requirements. If you’re under 21 you can apply for a hybrid internship, which is up to 1 month in person and then continues remotely.

Am I able to receive a stipend of any kind during my internship?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to receive any compensation. Since you’ll be joining a nonprofit organization, your internship will be unpaid, but you can find ways to fund your internship here. The opportunities for both professional and personal growth are invaluable and your experience will bring a wealth of new knowledge!


LOCATION: Livingstone, Zambia
TASK FOCUS: Program Development, Monitoring & Evaluation, Fundraising, Communication
LENGTH: Min. 8 Weeks
COST: From USD 1,706 (in-person) / USD 525 (remote)


“Going into this internship I had no idea what to expect and what the outcome might be. I hoped it would help me find and solidify what I want to do as a career but also expose me to many different opportunities and open new doors for places to explore around the world. Interning at Baobuyu did it all and more! I was able to work in collaboration with other interns and our supervisor on daily tasks and activities with our community programs but I was also given a tremendous support to start my own initiatives and projects. While I was there I started my own club and facilitated a fundraising campaign all on my own. Now that I am reflecting on my time with Baobuyu I am cherishing everything we were able to accomplish, create, learn, and grow together during this time. I know I will take everything I have learned into the future with me as I move forward and will always remember how I was able to find my passion and a new home across the world. I am forever grateful.”

Katie, United StatesSustainable Development Internship, Livingstone


  • Be part of an inspiring social development initiative in a welcoming environment
  • Enjoy a great variety of tasks, including assisting with programs on the ground
  • Gain a thorough understanding of the day to day running of a nonprofit organisation
  • Boost your resume with practical experience in nonprofit management, communications, program coordination, and fundraising
  • Contribute to the long term impact of a worthwhile nonprofit initiative
  • Live and work in Livingstone, a friendly Zambian town with a stunning location


If you’re ready to apply for this internship, here’s what to do:


Fill in the application form (it will show in a new screen) which includes sharing your CV to us.



We’ll set up a call with you to go through your application.


If we feel it’s a good match, we’ll set up a call between you and the supervisor for this internship.


If everyone’s happy, we’ll provisionally confirm your placement! We’ll then send you the invoice for the deposit, getting started with the booking process and all the info you need.


Only once we receive payment of the deposit your placement will be confirmed.


Or if you’d just like to ask us some questions about this internship first, just fill in the contact form below. We’ll be happy to assist!


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