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Internships with Instituto Cactus

Based in Sao Paulo, Instituto Cactus is a leading organization in the fight for mental health in Brazil. The organization is committed to making mental health care more accepted, accessible, and affordable for everyone.They believe that everyone deserves to have access to quality mental health care, regardless of their income or background, and that it is a collective responsibility to facilitate this.

They work towards this goal through a combination of research, evidence-based awareness campaigns, creating support systems for those with mental health issues, and advocating for better policies regarding mental health care in Brazil. By bringing together government, science, and communities in an open dialogue, they work to broaden the notion of mental health and create a cultural change by which Mental health becomes everybody’s business.

Mental health research internship

Available from July 2024

Remote Mental Health Research Internship

  • Min. 8 weeks
  • Remote
Make a valuable contribution to the fight to improve mental health support, conducting research and implementing strategies for lasting impact.
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