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Maud, Dutch – Van Hall Larenstein

This internship taught me a lot of things in my personal and professional development, but the most valuable has been in building my confidence in who I am and what I’m capable of. My internship focused on the prevention side of gender-based violence work and I got to co-facilitate workshops, sit in on SAFE meetings, go directly into communities, write reports, and most importantly, experience the difference in daily life and perceptions. When I was originally taught about gender equality, it was always so focused on women, but my internship really highlighted the importance of also creating safe spaces for men to help them learn and grow. I got a lot of insight into what I want to do and where I want to go in the future. Cape Town is a special place that I think everyone should visit. With so many different sides to it, there is something for everyone to enjoy and experience. My host organization was extremely welcoming, open to hearing my thoughts, and valued my ideas & opinions which has helped me gain a newfound confidence. Overall this is an internship exprience that I will never forget.